Monday, October 21, 2013

October Science Cafe -- 22 October, 7pm : Dr. Stefan Preble (RIT) -- "Optical Computers - Computing at the speed of light"

The October Science Cafe will be tomorrow, October 22, at 7pm, in the Community Room of the Pittsford Plaza Barnes and Noble. Refreshments, as always, will be provided.

October 22: Dr. Stefan Preble
Associate Professor of Microsystems Engineering &
Electrical and Microelectronic Engineering, RIT
Title: "Optical Computers - Computing at the speed of light"

From the website of RIT's nanophotonics group:

Preble's group, R.I.T NanophotonicsGroup, is developing ultrasmall
devices that leverage the high bandwidths, low powers, low latencies
and sensitivities that are possible with light. The devices and
systems we are developing will revolutionize future microprocessor,
communication, and sensing systems. These nanophotonic devices are
primarily integrated on a silicon CMOS platform in order to leverage
the mature fabrication techniques that are used in the
microelectronics industry. This integration will enable unprecedented
electro-optical information systems that one day will be able to
process hundreds of terabits of information on a low cost chip.
November 26: Dr. Margot Mayer-Proschel
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Genetics
University of Rochester Medical Center
Title: "Gestational Iron Deficiency"